Introducing the Grain Weevil!

“No boots in the grain”™

1. Origin and Motivation:

  • The Grain Weevil was developed in response to a challenge from a friend of the founders of Grain Weevil™, with the goal of eliminating the need for farmers and their families to enter hazardous grain bins.

  • Grain bins are risky environments with several dangers including:

    • Falls: Risk of falling into bins or from high surfaces.

    • Entrapments: Potential for being trapped by shifting grain.

    • Auger Entanglements: Risk of getting caught in moving machinery.

    • Long-Term Health Issues: Conditions like Farmer’s Lung from prolonged exposure to grain dust.

2. Safety Concerns:

  • Nearly 450,000 American farms use grain bins, and farmers encounter these risks over six million times a year.

  • Key statistics:

    • Entrapment Deaths: Approximately 25 deaths annually.

    • Accidents Involving Teenagers: One in five grain bin accidents involves teenage boys.

  • The Grain Weevil aims to reduce these risks by automating dangerous tasks and keeping workers out of hazardous environments.

3. Benefits:

  • Eliminates Manual Labor: Automates essential grain storage tasks, reducing the need for manual intervention in dangerous conditions.

  • Reduces Safety Risks: Keeps workers away from potentially hazardous environments, lowering the likelihood of accidents and health issues.

  • Improves Efficiency: Enhances overall grain management processes by providing reliable and consistent handling of grain.

  • Optimizes Storage Conditions: Ensures better long-term grain quality by maintaining uniformity and preventing common storage problems.

  • Supports Unloading: Assists in efficiently dismantling grain cliffs and feeding sweep augers, improving the final bin unloading process and overall system performance.

Grain Weevil Services

“Doing the work no human should” ™

  • Achieve optimal grain bin uniformity with our Bin Leveling service. Whether your bins are peaked or valleyed, we ensure a smooth, level surface that promotes consistent long-term storage quality.

  • Maintain the integrity of your grain with our Crust Prevention service. By stirring the top 8 to 12 inches of the grain surface, we prevent the formation of crusts from wet or spoiled grain, ensuring uniformity and protecting the grain quality.

  • Enhance the efficiency of your storage system with our Crust Break-Up service. We break up surface crusts to prevent sump blockages and improve overall storage conditions, contributing to better long-term grain quality.

  • Improve the effectiveness of your grain management with our Unloading Assist service. Our system efficiently pulls down grain cliffs and assists with feeding sweep augers during final bin unloading. This helps to ensure a smooth, uninterrupted flow of grain, reduces manual labor, and enhances overall unloading efficiency.